About Us

At the turn of the 21st century, confidence in the value and importance of higher education was being challenged in many quarters. State funding support for higher education was declining, parents questioned rising tuition costs, and both racial and socioeconomic disparities were apparent in college enrollments. Both the University of Michigan and Michigan State University were concerned about these issues and committed to promoting college access, expanding higher educational opportunities, and enrolling a diverse student body. University faculty, staff, and students were interested in how to achieve these goals. A statewide conference to bring together interested parties seemed a good way to jumpstart the conversation.

Our Mission Statement

The Pre-College and Youth Outreach Conference strives to serve as the premier resource for higher education pre-college professionals and college access practitioners to learn, connect, and network with colleagues across the state and beyond. Our work increases college aspirations, readiness, enrollment, and graduation for all students—especially for K-12 students underrepresented in higher education— to change life trajectories, strengthen the workforce, and enhance communities. The conference highlights the statewide work of the public colleges and universities and the work of the conference attendees. It provides a space to learn from each other and unites our efforts to exponentially increase the college success of youth.

I found the speakers incredibly insightful; their talks gave me many new ideas on how to promote college to my underrepresented students.

- Past conference attendee


The first Pre-College and Youth Outreach Conference (PCC) was organized by Will Edwards at Michigan State University in 2008. The second PCC was held in 2009 at the University of Michigan and organized by William Collins at the Center for Educational Outreach who established the conference as an annual event. These first two conferences focused on important topics of interest to education professionals across the state of Michigan which helped to build the reputation of PCC and expand the reach of the conference throughout the state of Michigan.

Past Themes and Speakers​

A short introduction to the workshop instructors and why their background should inspire potential students’ confidence.

Subscribe to the NEW PCC Listserv

The Michigan Pre-College and Youth Outreach Conference (PCC) is updating its email software and listserv in preparation for our 15th Annual Conference celebration! We are offering the chance for our network to confirm their interest in the PCC community as we move to a system.